

The year is just about to end, and many of us haven’t yet achieved the weight loss goals set last year! It is that time of the year again, when we start thinking about our new year goals. So instead of following some diet fads or trying some new challenges, let us try and achieve weight loss the healthy way! Nutrition plays a very important role when it comes to losing weight. Your food has a greater impact on your body. Focus on providing your body with healthy nutrient-dense superfoods that can accelerate the weight loss journey. One such superfood is right there in our backyard. Yes we are talking about Millets! Did you know  2023 is the International year of millets? As the next year is the millet year, it is the perfect time to jump on a weight loss journey using millets! Millets have gained popularity in the last few years when people have become health conscious and want to include millets in their meals to lose weight. Millets are commonly available in Indian grocery stores an


Millets are known as Nutri-cereals due to their impressive nutritional profile. They are powerhouses of nutrition and provide various essential nutrients to your body. To increase awareness about its incredible health benefits, the Food and agriculture organization has declared 2023 as the international year of millets.   Millets come in several varieties and each one has unique properties. They provide great benefits for your health. What are the top 7 Indian millets and their health benefits? Read the post to know more! FINGER MILLET OR RAGI Finger millet or ragi is one of the most popular varieties of millet. Finger millet or ragi has amazing body cooling properties. Ragi is considered a great food option to consume during summer weather. Ragi or finger millet is high in protein, iron, calcium, and various essential amino acids. Nutritionally, 100 grams of ragi provide 344 mg of calcium and play a vital role in maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Furthermore, ragi

How is India celebrating the Millet Year 2023?

Subhead - Round up of campaigns initiated in India to mark the International Millet Year 2023 and country’s initiatives to make the millet year a success. 2023 is the International year of millets, and many measures are being taken to promote the consumption and farming of millets. As per the Government of India website , 15 activities have been planned over 15 days in January alone ! The government is going all out to promote the consumption of millets. They have collaborated with sports persons, nutritionists, and fitness experts and a lot of promotion for incorporating millets is being done through the Fit India App as well. Video messages, hosting webinars, and running advertisements on millets are in the pipeline as well. International Year of Millets inauguration The Food and Agriculture Organization (FOA) of the United Nations , recently organized the opening ceremony for the International Year of Millets in Rome, Italy. At the opening ceremony, the Indian delegation led by Sho

Is India leading the world towards local superfood millets?

Millets are a group of small, seeded crops which are grown in dry lands and less fertile soil. They are quite a popular food option in various parts of the world, including India and parts of Africa. Millets come in several types, such as finger millet, foxtail millet, sorghum and little millet. Millets are also called the superfood of the new world because of their amazing health benefits. Recently, The United Nations has declared “Year 2023 as the international year of millets” . The UN accepted India’s proposal wholeheartedly to encourage an increase in global production and raise awareness regarding the health benefits of millet. India is the largest producer of millet in the world and leading the world towards local superfood millet. The Indian government has taken various amazing steps to increase millet awareness among people and make 2023 a year of millet initiative a great success.  How is India leading the world towards local superfood millet? Read the post to know more!  Why

5 myth and facts about millets

Millets are in the spotlight and for all the right reasons! With the year 2023 being the International Year of Millets, there is a growing awareness about millets and their nutritional values. Relegated to obscurity over the past few years, millets are back in trend these days. Being a healthy alternative to gluten grains, it is a favourite among fitness enthusiasts, people suffering from gluten allergies and celiac disease, among others. However, there are many myths associated with millets. Today we will look at the 5 most common myths and bust them. 1. Myth: Cooking with millet is difficult. Fact : Cooking millets is not difficult, you just need to know the right way to cook them. The right way to cook millets is simple. Make sure you wash millets thoroughly with water, and soak it for 5-12 hours or overnight. Different millets have different soaking times, a minimum of 5-6 hours is needed. An easy way to incorporate it into your daily meals is to substitute your rice a

Tiffin Ideas to celebrate Millet Year 2023

2023 is marked as the International Year Of Millets . India has planned to celebrate this year in a big way and multiple events are planned throughout the year. As the world celebrates the millet year, you too can celebrate it and the simplest way to do this is by including it in your tiffin! We need tiffin meals to be quick to prepare and healthy as well. While we normally make upma, idlis, or parathas that are perfect for tiffin, giving them a millet twist will ensure that we celebrate the millet year in style. Who knows, your tasty millet meals might inspire a few more toward a healthy lifestyle! What are millets? Millets are a nutritious, small-seeded grass variety that is easy to cook, and very healthy. Millets like Sorghum, Pearl Millet, and Ragi, Small Millet, Foxtail Millet, Barnyard Millet, and Kodo millet are popular in India and they can be easily included in our daily meals. Millets are gaining popularity around the world as they are versatile gluten-free grains.